The Pixie synthetic hair wig is one of the most popular short hair models in our range. Firstly, it impresses with its cheeky cut and secondly, it is also very easy to care for. Of course, this model is available in many, different, exciting colors.
What is the hair like in a synthetic wig?
Pixie is made from heat-resistant synthetic hair, which means it can be easily re-styled. This means that the hairpiece can be worn in places where it is naturally warmer, such as in the kitchen, sauna or during sports. In addition, styling products such as spray or wax can be used. The fall of the hairstyle is extremely natural because it was knotted extra finely and therefore has a natural amount of hair. “All about wigs” page.
What is a film approach or a lace approach?
The hair on the top of the head is individually tied to the net (monofilament) and thus Pixie appears extremely natural. The lace closure approach in the forehead area, also known as the film approach, also helps the pixie look like real hair. Further advantages of our synthetic hair wig are the weight and the malleability, because Pixie is light as a feather, elastic and absolutely skin-friendly.
How about taking care of the wig?
Do you have doubts about being able to style yourself? We can take this fear away, because our Pixie hair replacement is easy to care for. First you need to turn the wig inside out. The synthetic hair can then be washed with cold water and shampoo. You can of course use the wig with a conditioner, although this is not absolutely necessary. After you have washed the wig, you can then dry it a little inside and then hang it on the wig stand. Finally, you can bring your Pixie into shape with styling products such as spray and wax.
The cut
The Pixie synthetic hair wig has a short, cheeky and fringed cut. Pixie also wears short bangs that can be styled in many ways. Because the neck is cut short and soft, the back of the head is perfectly emphasized.
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